A major challenge during the corona pandemic globally has been the severe shortage of ventilators and oxygen enrichment devices given that COVID19 patients develop severe respiratory problems. Another critical requirement in this pandemic has been the need for personal protective equipment (PPEs) to the caregivers such as Doctors, nurses and para medical staff given the infectious nature of the virus.
CSIR has many high quality engineering labs such a CSIR-CSIO who has expertise of developing medical devices. CSIR-NAL, CSIR-CMERI, CSIR-CECRI and CSIR-CSIO and other labs are working actively in development of ventilators and PPEs. For the scale up of these CSIR has tied up with PSUs such as BHEL and BEL.
Under this vertical, CSIR is developing Ventilators, Oxygen Enrichment Unit, Pedal operated Water Dispensing Taps, Electrostatic Disinfector, Personal Protective Equipment, etc. [View Technologies and Product Database]

SwasthVayu Non Invasive Ventilator
Developed by CSIR-NAL
Pressure Range - 4 - 25 cm H2O; Programmable EPAP & IPAC cycles; Auto altitude comp; 3D printed "Bio" adaptor with HEPA filter to alleviate fear of spread of virus
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"Hasta-Suraksha" Pedal Operated Hand Washing System
Developed by CSIR-IMMT
Mechanically operated Hands free hand sanitising and washing syste. Pedal operated by both foot. Doesn't require any electricity. Can be fabricated by any fabricator. Portable, low cost and maintenance free

Oxygen Enrichment Unit
Developed by CSIR-NCL
OEU is hollow fiber membrane bundles for separation and filtration of ambient air to produce enriched oxygen for patients in home and hospital settings
[View Technologies and Product Database]
Makeshift Hospital: CSIR is preparing itself to address the unmet need of a large number of hospitals. Its constituent laboratories, namely CSIR-Central Building Research Institute (CSIR-CBRI), Roorkee and CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR-SERC), Chennai have the desired expertise and can undertake the work of transforming existing schools into makeshift hospitals, and also set up on-site modular 2- to 4- bed transit hospital facilities as immediate measures. The laboratories also have expertise in setting up pre-engineered buildings by way of short-term measures.