Hand Sanitizers
CSIR delivered immediate relief by providing hand sanitizers, soaps and disinfectants to mitigate COVID-19
- So far, about 50,000 litres of hand sanitizers and disinfectants have been produced within the laboratories of the CSIR and distributed among more than 100,000 people belonging to various sections of the society.
- Besides, the laboratories also networked with local administration to distribute sanitizers and disinfectants among personnel belonging to the police force, municipal corporations, electricity supply undertakings, medical colleges, hospitals, panchayats, and banks and several others
- CSIR-IIIM distributed hand sanitizer to DGP office of J and K UT and 15 JAT Regiment of Indian Army.
- CSIR IITR provided 200 L of WHO-formulated Hand-rub sanitizer for frontline health workers including Doctors of King George's Medical University (KGMU).
- CSIR CIMAP handed over 500 bottles of herbal sanitizers to be distributed among police personnel.
- CSIR-CLRI handed over of the 4th batch of Hand Sanitizers, 130 litres to City Medical Officer, Greater Chennai Corporation, Tamilnadu to support the Chennai Corporation Employees and Hospital workers to protect them from COVID-19.
- Masks and soaps/sanitizer distributed by CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal in Panchsheel Nagar, Rahul Nagar, 12 No. Slum area, Pumpapur, etc. areas/village of Bhopal district.
- Installation of Hands-free Hand Wash and Sanitization system at Police Seva Bhavan and the office of DCP-Bhubaneshwar by CSIR-IMMT.